Legal Contract on Napkin

Legal Contract on Napkin: Is it Valid?

Imagine you are at a bar with a potential business partner, and things start to get serious. The two of you brainstorm a great idea and agree to work together. But, you don`t have a pen or paper to write a contract on. So, you grab a napkin and jot down the terms on it. Is the contract valid?

The short answer is, it depends. A contract doesn`t need to be written on paper in order to be valid. It could be written on a napkin, a whiteboard, or even an email. What matters is whether the essential elements of a contract are present, including mutual agreement, consideration, legality, capacity, and intention to create legal relations.

Mutual Agreement: Both parties must agree to the terms of the contract. If one party didn`t understand the terms or was forced to sign, the contract may not be valid.

Consideration: Each party must give something of value in exchange for what they receive. This could be money, property, or services.

Legality: The contract must abide by the law. A contract for something illegal, such as a drug deal, would not be valid.

Capacity: Each party must have the ability to enter into a contract. This means they must not be under duress, incapacitated, or a minor.

Intention to Create Legal Relations: The parties must intend for the agreement to be legally binding. An agreement made in a social setting, such as a party, may not be intended to create a legal relationship and would not be valid.

So, if your contract on a napkin includes these essential elements, it could be considered valid in court. However, there are some practical considerations to keep in mind. A contract on a napkin may be difficult to enforce if it is unclear or if one party disputes the terms. Additionally, a written contract is generally easier to prove in court than a verbal agreement or a contract on a napkin.

In conclusion, a legal contract on a napkin can be valid if it meets the essential elements of a contract. However, it may not be the most practical or enforceable way to create a contract. It`s always best to consult with a lawyer and create a written contract to ensure clarity and protection for both parties.


Online Agreement in Principle Mortgage

When it comes to buying a home, securing a mortgage is often the first step in the process. Before you start seriously looking at homes, it’s important to get an “agreement in principle” (AIP) to know how much you can borrow and what type of mortgage you qualify for.

An AIP is a document provided by a lender that’s essentially a conditional offer for a certain amount of borrowing. It’s not a guarantee of a mortgage, but it can help you narrow down your home search and give you confidence when making an offer on a property.

Traditionally, AIPs were obtained by speaking with a mortgage advisor or visiting a lender in person. However, with the rise of online mortgage services, it’s now possible to get an AIP completely online.

Many online mortgage brokers and lenders offer an AIP service that’s quick and convenient. Typically, you’ll need to provide some basic information about your income, employment status, credit score, and financial situation. The lender will then use this information to run a soft credit check and assess your eligibility for a mortgage.

Once the lender has assessed your information, they’ll provide you with an AIP. This document will outline how much you can borrow, what interest rate you can expect, and what type of mortgage you qualify for. With this information, you can confidently start looking for a property within your budget.

It’s worth noting that an AIP isn’t a formal mortgage offer, and the lender will still need to do a full credit check and assess your application before agreeing to lend you money. However, having an AIP can speed up the mortgage application process and give you an advantage when making an offer on a property.

If you’re thinking about applying for an AIP online, it’s important to do your research and find a reputable lender or broker. Look for reviews from past customers, pay attention to the fees and charges associated with the service, and make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the AIP.

In summary, getting an online agreement in principle mortgage can be a quick and convenient way to find out how much you can borrow and what type of mortgage you qualify for. While it’s not a formal mortgage offer, an AIP can give you confidence when making an offer on a property and help speed up the application process. As always, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable lender or broker.
