Green P Rules

In Victoria, you must abide by the following state rules: Regardless of the Australian state in which you live, the following rules remain the same: Yes, these rules can be annoying and sometimes make life more difficult. But they are there for a reason, and they are designed to make life safer for you, your passengers and other road users. That being said, NSW Transport and NSW RMS regularly review the rules, and they change them, especially as we get more information through research on driving behavior. But additional rules mean additional confusion! This article describes the P-plate restrictions in New South Wales and the rules that P-Platers must follow beyond the general traffic rules of New South Wales. In the Northern Territories, you don`t have to follow too many strict rules: in New South Wales, you must first purchase an apprenticeship license, then upgrade to your P1 license (your red P license plates) and your P2 license (your green P license plates). Once you have completed the two provisional phases, you can apply for a full license. This is a hard truth, but there is a different set of rules for young people than for the rest of us. While this may seem unfair to the younger generation, some of these rules exist for a very good reason. P-plate restrictions and special rules in New South Wales are an example of this type of rule.

It goes without saying that GoGet members must comply with traffic rules in the state in which they drive. While we allow P Platers to drive any GoGet vehicle, vehicle restrictions in different states may prohibit their use by P Platers. It is the member`s responsibility to check these rules – we have provided some links below. If you violate any of the P2 rules, you can be fined, reject points, banned from driving, and have to go to court. To obtain a full license, you must be at least 19 years old and have held your provisional license (Ps red and green) for periods of up to 2 years. Such a novice driver is a person who is in possession of a provisional or provisional driving licence issued by another jurisdiction or country and who has held the driving licence for less than 12 months. It`s a good idea to visit the tourist information and check the traffic rules before you go there. While you can assume that the « P` on Australian license plates means « pass », » it actually means « Provincial, » meaning you`ve passed the test but are only provisionally licensed.

You can drive, but there are certain restrictions attached to the red and green « P`s ». Drivers on their green P must follow NSW traffic rules. Other conditions and restrictions also apply. Each Australian state adheres to the traffic rules of the provinces. This section looks at what separates VIC, NSW and the NT, as they represent the main differences. You still have restrictions on your green P`s, but some of those restrictions will be different. Failure to comply with any of these rules is a criminal offence and will be punishable by heavy penalties, including loss of the license. You must comply with these New South Wales rules, even if you are travelling between states or abroad. You should also be aware of any licensing or driving laws that another jurisdiction may apply to you as a novice driver. If you are banned from driving by a court while driving on your green P, your driver`s license will be immediately and permanently cancelled.

Once you have been on your green P`s for 24 months, you can apply for your license without restriction. For more information on obtaining an NSW driver`s license, click here. Young and inexperienced drivers are statistically much more likely to be involved in an accident than older, experienced drivers. This is especially true in the first few months of solo driving. As a result, the NSW Roads and Maritime Service has established strict rules on what learners and makeshift drivers can and cannot do on the road. SMS is even more dangerous. How many times have you followed or approached a driver and seen him swerve to find that he is on the phone, and that it is not just young drivers. It takes several seconds for our main vision to focus on a mobile screen and read every time we look at the phone, look up for a second, and then look down again to read again.

These are important seconds when we go up the road at 16 mts / sec at 60 klms / hour, 28 mts / sec at 100 klms / hour. We may have come a long way in checking a message. Is this message so important? If this is the case, it requires much more attention, so stop in a safe place, turn off the car and read the message. Vehicles that circulate before 1. January 2010 if they have: 8 points for the remaining 12 months (Novice type 2) If you are disqualified, the time you have accumulated on your P2 license will be lost. This means that after the disqualification period expires, you will need to apply for a new P2 license and re-complete the 24 months before you can apply for a full license. If your P2 driver`s license is disqualified, you will not be allowed to drive with more than one passenger for 12 months once you get your driver`s license back. This is called the « condition of a passenger ».

If you pay online or at a center, you will get a temporary license valid for one month, the time it will take for your new photo license to arrive. Demerit points apply to P2 drivers. Your license will be suspended or refused if you reach or exceed 7 demerit points. .

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