How to Deal with Disagreements between the Practitioner and Child

Many situations can be resolved by listening to both parties and bringing them together to listen to each other and talk to each other. Often, practitioners just need to feel that they have been heard. It`s important for managers and leaders to have these difficult conversations and start conversations appropriately. Make sure you take the time to hear both sides of the story and not make hasty decisions about how to handle the situation. 3.1. In KS1, young children are still developing their language and communication skills, they must be reminded to take turns and listen when others speak. When we talk to young children, we need to speak clearly and slowly and not use big words because they don`t understand what we are saying. We need to verify their understanding of what has been said by asking questions or asking them to repeat them. Young children get tired quickly when doing activities and they can`t concentrate for long as they become restless and start playing to touch things and people around them. In KS2, children will have a better understanding of language and communication skills and they will stop thinking about themselves when they want to talk and let others speak first, but you always have to remind them sometimes that it is their turn when people speak because they will be excited to say something and forget, wait until the person is ready. Similarly, adults may not have the same ideas about the purpose of an activity/meeting or find another idea in their own head. Goals need to be clarified, what is the purpose of each individual and why.

It is very likely that there will be disagreements with others in the work of adults. In most cases, this is due to a lack of communication or misunderstandings. However, these disagreements must be dealt with very carefully so that the negative feelings disappear afterwards. Adults may misread or misperceive information and may think that someone has communicated something that is exactly the opposite of what they were actually trying to communicate. Often, others are criticized for saying things that may be ambiguous or because they have a different point of view. 4.1. When I work in my primary school, as a staff member, it is important that you keep confidential everything related to a child in you and at school, it is important to know what needs to be said and what is not. Information about children, such as medical requirements or those less capable of doing so, should only be kept confidential and protected where appropriate.

Information about a child should be kept in the hands of a person responsible or responsible for that information, e.B. SEN information would be retained with the addition of SEN and beyond the capabilities of children or people who should not have access to it. With an adult, they have their own point of view on what caused the disagreement, and this should be heard, and then you should calmly expose your point of view. It is important to establish respectful and professional relationships with children and young people in the role of ASSISTANCE. Children need a safe environment to explore, investigate, think critically and actively learn. However, if you have conflicting practitioners who have disagreements or create a negative atmosphere, children and parents will quickly realize that there is a problem, which will greatly affect their confidence and development. It is important to establish respectful and professional relationships with children and young people in the role of ASSISTANCE. There are certain strategies that can build such a valuable and trusting relationship. A relationship in which a child trusts and respects their TA and feels comfortable in their business allows the TA to provide a supportive and caring environment in which the child can learn and develop. Describe how to deal with disagreements between the practitioner and other adults, it is important that managers and leaders take steps to deal with the situation quickly, follow all company policies and procedures, and address the issue before it gets out of control.

As a member of the management and leadership team of the early years, it is important that you are balanced and do not take sides when dealing with the issue, think about the best results for all practitioners. There are two ways to deal with the contradictory situation; You can deal with it informally or formally. Many young children find it difficult to share, wait their turn, or find appropriate ways to meet their needs. Conflicts between children can occur daily in preschoolers, and the Michigan State University extension notes that « the child`s behavior is an ongoing process. » Disclaimer: This document is for general information purposes only. .

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