R&d License Agreement

In principle, an R&D contract can be terminated by termination. However, if the other party has a particular interest in the continuation of the R&D agreement or could expect lasting cooperation in this regard, the termination must be based on a serious interest or unforeseen circumstances within the meaning of Article 6:258(1) of the Dutch Civil Code. Adequacy and fairness requirements may result in a reasonable period of notice. A distinction must also be made between a fixed-term R&D agreement and a perpetual R&D agreement, and in circumstances based on adequacy and fairness, compensation may also be paid in the event of termination of an R&D agreement. Both when drafting and terminating an R&D agreement, you must therefore take this into account and preferably seek advice from a legal expert. For examples of confidentiality agreements, material transfer agreements or research cooperation agreements, please visit our Examples of Agreements page. Harvard offers certain materials (usually biological research material) for commercial purposes on a non-exclusive basis. Some materials, such as mice. B, are usually offered on a lump sum basis or with fixed annual payments. others, such as hybridoma cell lines, also include royalty-based payments.

Standard contracts for both types of hardware licenses are listed below. Notice of Products Offered by Third Parties – In the case of an exclusive license granted in some or all of the domains, licensee may initially focus on a limited number of products or uses of the licensed technology. To support Harvard`s mission to promote the common good by commercializing Harvard`s proprietary technology as much as possible, Harvard may include provisions similar to those in the following link to encourage a licensee to develop products offered by third parties or to sublicense the licensee`s rights in Harvard`s patent rights to that third party. to enable the development and commercialization of additional products. Access to Harvard`s innovations should be as easy as possible. Our licensing agreements are fair and appropriate, and OTD`s experienced staff will work with you to help you achieve your business goals. To give you an idea of how these licenses take shape, we are happy to provide you with a number of examples of agreements illustrated here. If you have any questions about these samples, please contact us. At Blatter Legal, we work differently than traditional lawyers and lawyers. We advise you with practical solutions and understand business relationships. Would you like to be supported in drawing up a research and development contract? Or do you have a dispute or violation of your research and development agreement? Our legal experts will be happy to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Global Access Note – The development of technologies derived from Harvard`s patent rights can lead to licensed products that could result in significant public health benefits in developing countries. Harvard, through its participation in Allied for Essential Medicines Universities, is committed to promoting affordable access to these products in developing countries. To fulfill this obligation, we may need conditions similar to those in the link below in the exclusive licenses of this potentially effective technology. An option agreement allows a company to « retain » a technology for a short period of time, during which it can further assess its potential or raise funds for product development without committing or committing Harvard to meet the obligations arising from a licensing agreement. Options typically last from six months to a year and typically require both an initial fee and a refund of the patent process for the duration of the option. Model license agreement with exclusive patent rights. .

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